Munra Point: US Forest Service – Bonneville, OR ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Dodson weather forecast.

Looking West from Munra Point

Looking West from Munra Point

5/11/2016: Munra Point is very difficult, very steep, and not for the faint of heart. People have fallen and sustained serious injuries. But wow, when you get up there, it is really worth the trip. Great view of the Columbia river east and west, Mt. Adams, Bonneville Dam and a lot more. I combined this hike with the much easier Wahclella Falls hike . That was also most definitely worth the extra couple miles.

Of Note: The wildflowers were gorgeous, especially this time of year.

Key: Forest | Views | Wildlife | Wildflowers | River | Oregon | US Forest Service | Columbia River Gorge